Mediated Bargaining Update
After 12 hours of mediated negotiation without an agreement that resolves critical recruitment and retention issues, negotiations will continue on Thursday 12/21/23, and possibly Tuesday, 12/26/23 if necessary.
The bargaining team is holding strong to secure a fair contract.
Unfair Labor Practice Charges
The special meeting session of the Los Angeles County Employee Relations Commission (ERCOM) will be held, as a hybrid meeting, on December 21, 2023 at 10 AM, to consider the case of the County of Los Angeles/Chief Executive Office (County) vs. Union of American Physicians and Dentists, Bargaining Unit 324 (UAPD) (Failing to Bargain in Good Faith, Failing to Comply With Impasse Procedures, Threatening and/or Engaging In an Unlawful Strike).
The UAPD has requested that the County’s charge against the UAPD be consolidated (i.e., considered concurrently) with the UAPD’s charge against the County of Los Angeles.
Line Pass Negotiations
After exhaustive line pass negotiations spanning multiple days, we are close to reaching an agreement with management on which members will be allowed to cross UAPD picket lines to provide essential care.
The details of the negotiated plan will be shared in meetings in person at each facility as follows:
Friday, 12/22/23 – in person during the day and in the evening via Zoom (details to be provided)
Tuesday, 12/26/23 – in person during the day and in the evening via Zoom (details to be provided)